Cognitive dissonance: Why you keep eating doughnuts
Over the past few days, I’ve been exploring the role of cognitive dissonance at work. Started by Leon Festinger’s work, it flies in the face of the widely-held belief that people are ‘true’ to their beliefs… Cognitive dissonance theory states that people strive for internal consistence and psychological comfort. It says that people who are…
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The behaviour dilemma
I’ve recently participated as one of the contributors in the Stoddart Review – a well-respected study on workplace productivity. Around the table of my presentation were a range of the industry’s leading lights, ready to face my ramblings on the future of the Workplace. Below is the third of three points I…
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Behaviour change on Holborn escalators
Recently, London Underground have embarked on a seemingly disastrous social experiment.  The plan was to cram up to 30% more passengers onto their escalators, improving flow at peak times, by asking passengers to stand on both sides of the ‘up’ escalator. This has resulted in most of the Kubler-Ross stages of denial, anger,…
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